the craziedinsane errors of my ways, the lack of performance that ive perform on stages the chamber without a key because my mind is locked inside a cage, its all of hidden rage, maye the lessons isnt for me to see, or to be shown to someelese, thats the objecton that the project that ive seem to beleive
decieved by certain lecture that never brings pleasure in the time of a future of crime, wait six months to sign the dotte line, this is the reult og crime, the problems and pains are the brothers of life, the crisis of the existance that have circumstances surrounded, im not well round ive got thorn that will split and hit the horn
stop, hold up, wait a minute before i walk into a rash of decision, failed never pass, the class where student rather sit in the back then up front, lets segragate and start all over again, my problem is upon the hands that i truely try to get into the wind is not proof, your problems im the root, disaster
im a poet, not im a rapper, the speaking is influent to the mc's, emotionally physically, and mentally, look atme never to see believe in the light because the darkness you will see, but ive had years of tears, cant be counted by the fears off my peers, blood and sweatcant you related to this blank check