I have a dream that their will be peace in our world,
Their will be no conflict or destruction, just the peace,
No one shoulddie to prove a point, and no child should be a victim,
To have our streets with no drugs or violence,
And to have no countries falling out, to join hands in friendship,
To never have disagreements or fighting,
Peace will bring freedom and justice,
I have a dream that one one should be homeless or starving,
And for the poor countries to not be alone,
And children will be educated fairly,
To speak for yourself
To not be judged, and to have the right,
I have a dream that the diseases in countries will be cured,
The people Will have right to medicine,
To not see people in pain,
I also have a dream that people should love more that gate
To replace hatred with forgiveness
To leave the past in the past,and to think about the future