Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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Freestyle Kabbalistic Ranting



Views: 365

For six hundred and sixty six weeks
I’ve been feeling tortured and weak
Spending most of my life
Wasting time
To have my own character worked on and tweaked!

But over time I became spiritually sleek
Became thin and slender
But I need to be filled with the bread of life and divine spiritual meat

Because without a cause I’ve been given a clause
My life like a movie has been put on pause
Satan dug in his claws
Snapped at me and locked on his jaws
And now his demons just laugh as they gnaw
Mocking and pointing out all of my humanistic flaws
Coercing me to cry and recognize I’m breaking Gods laws!

I’ve come to realize the cries of my eyes
Have mostly been forced out when they dripped
The devil emphasizes my frailty when I stray and I slip
I feel like I’m losing my grip
On this reality
Causing vexation
I think I’ve reached my pain capacity
No longer can I spew forth power with such tenacity
I’ve lost my emotional and meta-philosophical voracity

The devil doesn’t quit
He knows he is intelligent and filled with venomous wit
And he knows how to spit
Spit up his bile and venomous pool
He knows just what to say or to do
To get us to linger and drool
For he has studied each and every one of us since the day of our birth
Studied us to the point that he mimics us and can lead us to a false pretense
On my own defense
Due to unruly stances
As with the devil I had many dances
Yet God gave me so many chances
As the devil and his army mock me in their whimsical prances
Stabbing with their psychological lances

I gained when I learned to have refrained
Learned how to have restrained
Lost when I put my all into this three dimensional plane and domain
For I still swim against the tide and go against the grain
While the devil lurks inside and peers into the thoughts of my brain
My mind is filled with a legislative veto
Cause he knows
How we roll
Like Sheol
It’s in my nature to be bestial
Filled with animalistic bestiality
My hunger for evil fills me with a parody musical malody
Well, a melody of instrumentality
Instrumental in the path that I have walked and crawled
Never been a baller to say that I’ve balled
And yet I was once a brawler
But now I detest anyone who claims in his names while he defames
While making immature claims that being a man is the fact that you brawled
It’s such a dehumanizing shame!

I saw the sign of death and so I detoured
Cause when it rained and had more than just poured
Pain and death was seeping out of my pores
I shunned so many people and closed up so many doors
While bridges I burned
But I have recently learned
That I only received what I psychosomatically yearned
And so I discerned to learn from my burns
And then to share my pains with others so they too could learn
Without feeling the burn of the fire
My suffering could help to take you higher
For although I lead as a leader
I still follow Christ Jesus my messiah!


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