oldskool1913 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark

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I Cried



Views: 388

I cried...
I cried and fell down to my knees, praying against my disdain...
I prayed for clarity amongst anything, I prayed for understanding above anything...
My spirit broke into a thousand pieces. I cried as I forgave myself for my many sins, A voice spoke to me, said I was loved, fear not you are never alone, I Am Here... I felt an overwhelming feeling of bliss take over my body. I raised my hands to the sky, bowed my head and continued to cry...
I confessed that my heart was open but I was so lonely underneath it all. I reached out countless times wanting to confide in someone. My pride would not let me admit my wounds were still healing, I'm good, I'm fine, an emotional bombshell ready to jump out of my own skin. Distant I've tried not to remain, heart held tightly in my palm, he acknowledged that it's his...
I broke down, voice trembling wanting someone to hear me. Someone to care, no pity party I wouldn't dare, my troubles are my own, not your burden to carry, but this weight that I've been holding onto is far too much... Suck it up! Woman up! Hold that head up high! I'm stronger than this, or at least I try to be. 
My wall...my wall crashed down, I need someone to help me rebuild, rebuild me into your image, mold me, take ahold of me. I am yours entirely. Stand alone, I can't...for a moment stand by yourself... I can't I need reassurance. My child Stand Alone...in your thoughts and in your spirit. Give love to yourself whole heartedly and love completely...move past what is holding you back, release, breathe and love deeply.  
I cried...

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Contest Winner  

tjaigreen says:

Very introspective and reflective of the inner turmoil most feel. Thanks for sharing.
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Brilliant Write of Victory.....thanks for sharing!

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