tiffanyr | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
getting back into my poetry grind

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Views: 603
Feeling stuck in the basement of hell with hot flames shooting up in fast pace motions with orange light casting shadows on the walls of hell The entire time I was stuck at the bottom of his pit I felt the urge to quit the hope to see the light of heaven, but the light was to high up with might and gear of humility I knocked the devil out and slide backwards onto the safe shelter of the elevator Seeing the redness of the devil image inching closer with tension built up on its face I pressed any button I could to close the elevator doors quicker, but the doors felt like it was closing slowly "Please doors close" I told myself as I crouched in the corner with legs up to my chest shaking uncontrollably Finally minutes later doors close completely up one floor I go then lights dim then go dark thinking it was an error I sit and wait Feeling a creepy vibe surround me with my bottom of the soul attitude I accepted I had no choice to pray to Jesus to create an escape (Bowing head) my prayer was "Dear Jesus I realized being on the bottom of the higher heights were you reside My fear will twist to pride to where you lie don't keep me behind" Amen! In an instant lights shined speed increased prior riders never noticed the heaven button Jesus designed that invisible emergency button just for me his child of God his glory Devil placed turbulence once more trying to stop God movement God is not one to mess with God fought on my behalf and didn't miss I can't wait to give God a kiss on the cheek because of how good he been to me Heaven button lit up Instead of stepping on carpet I step onto A cloud welcome to heaven I'm home

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mrmelody7 says:

very descriptive interesting story line, keep at it

tiffanyr says:

Thanks I just felt inspiration from my friend who said when u at the bottom only way to go is up to Christ. OK I will keep up at it.

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Sometimes a poem can hit you like a sermon, sometimes you can't help but feel like it's about you, that's what this poem delivered for me and it's one of my favorite pieces thus far.

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mrmelody7 says:

Thanks for the Vibe Mz Tiffany, not into the contesting, I just write when I feel like it don't write so others can judge what I write

tiffanyr says:

This poem also hit me like a sermon. But I'm glad its the poem that delievered to you. I'm speechless when you said its one of your favorite pieces thus far I love u even more now poet.

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tiffanyr says:

Your welcome Mr melody 7. I feel you on that.

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2b2b2 says:

Poignant penning...thanks for sharing!

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tiffanyr says:

Your welcome 2b2b2 I love sharing on here for you guys.

love_supreme says:

Excellent write.

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tiffanyr says:

Thanks latin lover for the comment. Glad you think its an excellent write.

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