soulcry | Poetry Vibe
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constantly broken



Views: 276

can i be light and airy and filled with sunshine? i honestly don't know. yes i can put on a show besides these poems truthfully you woudn't know. i hide my pain masked behind carefree skips in the park and dainty laughter that so easily escapes my lips

drip drip drip the tears that could float a ship but who knows it no one not even you. these poems speak of gloom and doom but thats only a fragmented corner of a broken vessel

are those laughs me or who i used to be. am i real or just an echo of a past someone. feeling disconnected and unenchanted. i know better cause i know my maker but these bad vibes just cant seem to shake cause life keeps making the wrong turns. my choices, my actions , my outcome trust me more than anyone i know. i'm not a helpless victim but i keep failing like a pro. i guess thats my gift ... its what im good at. in some ways bright and clever but in the ways that matter dumb as ever.

the walls are closing in and i've exhausted every chance to escape so im stuck here lets hope the walls take a snails pace or i invent a rocket in this tight lonely empty space.

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2b2b2 says:

Great Work....thanks for sharing....ONE

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