BoRhyme | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Trying To Reach Space

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  brigadier general
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Why Can't Freedom Ever Love Us?



Views: 406

if we were only blind to color

to solemnly love thy brother

we all bleed red

this constant blood shed is senseless

it's endless

why can't I walk out my door defenseless

why should we feel quarantined

hold hands with the AR fifteen

fear the ones who swore to protect

why can't peace ever stick around

a short appearance than wave and neglect

why are we forever bound to the chain gang?

when did freedom ever rang?

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mrmelody7 says:

Very well on point just love the as they call it the Ghetto experience

boltonsm says:

Love it!

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Contest Winner  

KingQadarDwon' says:

Life right? I feel you tho... As long as a person is anointed they will always be protected.. Wickedness will destroy wickedness.. Everything is his will... Great write brother...
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Let us continue to be the tongues that ring the freedom bell; some are listening---others have gone deaf from so much death. Once the freedom bells are rung, no power in the world can unring them. Peace, Love and Freedom, my Brother.
Contest Winner  

beafaithful says:

"Truth speaks", great write!

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