KingQadarDwon' | Poetry Vibe


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contest winner 1
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lightness in the dark

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Her Diary



Views: 551

To know you is to love you... I read all of your secrets that wasn't sacred unto me, but unto thee..

  I broke into your mind and read your mental and spiritual diary while you were sleeping and I carefully planned my get away, only to be delayed by my permanent stay..

  I didn't feel guilty of that crime because in my heart I truly believed that you led me on and gave me a set of keys to open your doors.

  Your Eyes has punctured my lungs and has disabled me. How can I possibly move forward when you have disrupted my breathing?!.

  You owe me, but I'm not going to do you like that. I'm just going to use my intellect and burn and hole inside of your brain and insert me into your mental strands of spaghetti looking things.

 I'll make sure you'll never forget me or what you did. Now let's heal together, because what we're both facing can only be healed by the father.

  Physical Therapy on the couch reading our bible and working out them parables and getting drunk off of them proverbs and getting drugged with wisdom.

  The Most High allowed us both to go through some pain and agony only to bring us closer and swim in a pool full of love for eternity.. King Qadar Dwon'

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Beautiful! Yes---to paraphrase---confusion, pain, and struggle may endure for a moment; but wisdom, understanding, love and joy, soon come! Thanks for sharing. Powerful! Peace and Love.
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Tight Work....Write On!!!

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Contest Winner  

KingQadarDwon' says:

Thank both of you outstanding poets... It's always an pleasure to get y'all feedback... ..

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