young_poet | Poetry Vibe
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A Song to My First Love...


first love

Views: 651

My heart is sleep deprived afraid to see the image of your beauty in my dreams

I'm lost wanting to refined the material thing we once both called "Love"

Writing verses just to keep me sane from the promises that are now broken amongst shattered stars

I call it a song...

Hoping each melody matches the heart beat within your chest

As I wish for you to shed tears to the memories we shall never build as the words flow through the radio

Sing along angel, maybe now you'll play me that song in return on your piano

As the chorus turns into sweet jazz poetry, waiting on your voice to match my lips to make this a hit

but only as the song ends...hearts begins to shatter all over on the floor

while the record player scratches to find real feelings in this lusting world

Still I stand playing..singing

This is a song to you...



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Tali says:

Wow this is amazing, and spoke to me on so many different levels

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