If we changed souls like we changed cloths.
Would the world be so cold?
If it rained gold, would the poor grow richer as the saying goes.
If we knew the key to the castle was under our feet.
Would we let go of all the mistreat that this society brings.
The unknown is being told stories of our lives that are still unsolved.
Black lives have been taken
Because the next skin color thinks black is a unwanted color.
But yet the pale faces wanna mock our greatness!
They're so intrigued with our being that they implement our viewings.
Trying to make us feel least of our being.
But we can't let them ruin our soul, remember we have minds of gold.
We have to Take a stand and believe in equality!
Preach humanity and love ourselves.
Also love everyone else, because we are not like them.
Make a change to love everyone for what's with in, not because the color of their skin.