Singing in harmony, the robins gently awake me.
Peeking through the trees, the sun warmly embraces me.
Walking me through the leaves, the wind softly kisses my face.
![]() Mr_Lmn
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Time is still ticking awayMan how fast the time goes. It flies by before we know. Dreams and ambitions all locked away. I still would love to be a famous singer some day. Now's the time to put old mentalities away. Put back a little money for a rainy day. This is our time. Don't waste your mind. Let's take our gifts, fine tune them and rise. I know it's hard and may seem like you'll never win, but I choose to put in a little work. It's never too late, until the phat lady sings in the end. |
Black, White and In betweenMy grandmother's white and my grandfather's black. Their offspring is mixed. We all look just alike. Beauty is what you get when you dunk a Klondike bar into a tall glass of creme. We all see no color. No one race supreme. I love my white sister. I love my black brother. Nothing in this world could ever separate us from one another. We come out different colors. Painting a picture for others. Is it black or is it white. Neither, it's just Life. |
Downtown Mobile, AlabamaUpside down. My head dangling around. Took my money and left me downtown. Got no shoes on, sold em for a ride. Now I'm hitchhiking on a bale of hay, but I still got high. I got my coat. Night air ain't no joke. Headed wherever. Hair filled with cigarette smoke. |
CrayolaOmbre. 50 shades of grey. Things were just going smoothly and straight. Thirty minutes ago you were grand and sweet. Now I'm left alone wondering where you'll sleep. Why Ombre at different times of the day? You can really dish it and you're often so pessimistic. Most times you're sad, but when we get high you're awfully glad. Ombre. Mixed emotions, loud commotions, lackluster devotions. Few fluid emotions crossing these oceans. Ombre trying to find a way. There's no telling which shade you'll stay. Yes, we are lovers and I love the things you do under the covers. But baby you have too many colors. Ombre Ombre Ombre Ombre. Heart made of clay. |
Sorry Kate, I'm running late.I'm looking around the house for my keys. I've gotten dressed and I'm ready to leave. I've checked the couch and I've checked the chair. Where could they be? Could be anywhere. I've searched the cupboards and searched the drawers. I can't take this problem anymore! I've looked in the hamper and behind the lamp. Only to find dust and a postal stamp. Where could they be? Somebody help me, please! I'm not the kind of person who loses their keys. I'm almost late. I've gotta work at 8. I always have to Ms. 'Loud Mouth' Kate. Now I'm standing in the doorway thinking "He's going to be jobless". Then I noticed my keys in my work shirt pocket. |
And all she saw was Red Part 2/3Red Part 4 Lead replied, "Why sure, come right in 'officers of the law'." Looking at me with a hinted dumbfounded expression of awe. Meanwhile I'm about to s°°° a brick, right after I push down this chick. I'm thinking to myself, "this s°°° just got real". This isn't my type of thrill. "Hello Lady Lead, We received a call that shots were fired". (Lead was someone that everyone admired.) "We came by to make sure that you were alright," the officer said. "Just checking to make sure that no one isn't dead"... Red Part 5 Now I think I just died a little inside... I didn't think we looked like we had something to hide. The officers looked at one another for a moment, then glaced back at us, then suddenly they leaned back and burst into hysterical laughter. I and Lead glanced at one another with a confused twisted grin and joined the officers in laughter. "I assure you that everything is alright", Lead said. My friend was just leaving and I was headed back to bed.... |
7:53amSinging in harmony, the robins gently awake me. Peeking through the trees, the sun warmly embraces me. Walking me through the leaves, the wind softly kisses my face. |
The TeaThe beauty of life. The road gets rough. The going is tough. Tell me, why stop now, if we haven't accomplished enough? Tell me, are we living or are we simply existing. Typical question, but many will misinterpret the meaning. The beauty of Life is that we were afforded an opportunity and many others would never experience life's institution. Thankfully we are more than our assets and contributions. Together we are the salt of the earth. The beauty of life is knowing our worth. |
SpringFlowers are blooming. Day is no longer gloomy. Spring, perfect for strolls. Commanding winter to roll. Warming my cold fragile soul. |
Clock InAll I need is time. Time to make up my mind. Time to unwind. Time to explore. Time to understand more. Time to live high. Time to take up wings and fly. Time to love. Time to rise above. Time to make it right. Time to enjoy life. Time to apologize. Time to now realize. Time waits for no man. There's not much time before we kick the keg. It's time to achieve greatness. It's time your purpose becomes a legacy. |