SinaiXpressions | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Just because my journey is different, doesn't mean I'm lost.

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Under Your Covers



Views: 339

Under yours covers, and all alone.”

hidden in your wings

and not even knowing this place I call home.

Feverish, and selfish am I? betray my soul for you

IDE DIE. in the midst of pain, the trouble in deceit.
Knowing Im growing weary but still falling at your feet.

Why couldnt it have been me. Your dream and mine.

The pain that befalls at betrayal and its lies

You would have never died, Believed I could be your wife..

In the heat of December and the storms of Spring

The summer got me dying in the streams of silence

Cant bring myself to know this anymore.

Whoever I once was, is now gone. The withering cries for slack with the lord prayers that never made it up.

You tried to break me. My heart wanted to die. Love had to end so harsh. Under your covers, under your wings, and all alone.


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DallasCowgirl says:

Oh wow. That was good! Very heartfelt.


love_supreme says:

Wow, this is an excellent write.

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2b2b2 says:

Superb Share.....Bravo!!

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sinaixpressions says:

i do appreciate all the love. ***Smoochezz

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