skb74# | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 404

, such a useful word

More fitting than ***

More dramatic than damn

A whole lot better than hell

and its many uses are astounding

You can have a discussion about

You can transport

You can condemn

You can copulate with

can be pleasing and also pleasurable

When collides with cooling units

It often leads to undulating down small mountains

, for the most part, is unappetizing

Even though some people suggest you

digest it then perish

After they accuse you of having

relations with your mother

But not before trying to identify the originating source of the

With all of the many uses of , one thing

remains the constant

Some people would like you to bring to a halt

Others just want you to remove from their presence

But we all can agree that will never amount to anything

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2b2b2 says:

Ha Ha....Clever Work....thanks for sharing....ONE

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