Mr_Lmn | Poetry Vibe
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To end a thing, is to begin something new.

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And all she saw was Red Part 2/3



Views: 232
Red Part 4 Lead replied, "Why sure, come right in 'officers of the law'." Looking at me with a hinted dumbfounded expression of awe. Meanwhile I'm about to s°°° a brick, right after I push down this chick. I'm thinking to myself, "this s°°° just got real". This isn't my type of thrill. "Hello Lady Lead, We received a call that shots were fired". (Lead was someone that everyone admired.) "We came by to make sure that you were alright," the officer said. "Just checking to make sure that no one isn't dead"... Red Part 5 Now I think I just died a little inside... I didn't think we looked like we had something to hide. The officers looked at one another for a moment, then glaced back at us, then suddenly they leaned back and burst into hysterical laughter. I and Lead glanced at one another with a confused twisted grin and joined the officers in laughter. "I assure you that everything is alright", Lead said. My friend was just leaving and I was headed back to bed. "If you don't mind we'd like to have a look around being that there was a call. I apologize mam, it's standard protocol." Red Part 6 Now I'm so nervous I'm peeing and don't realize it. "Are you ok sir?" the officer said. "Oh he just has a bladder condition" Lead said. "I'll go get cleaned up" I said. "I'll go with you" said Lead. "Officers please, have a look around while I grab my friend a gown... To be continued...

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