BlkLyryc86 | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 13300
contest winner 1
lightness in the dark
My mind is going in an entirely different direction..

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Views: 279

Although you do not understand me, or walk the same road as me

Would you judge me?

If I were casted down, and you were the only one around to tend to my wounds

Would you leave me alone to meet my own demise?

Or would you apply the necessary pressure that would keep me here for just a little while longer?

My mind is torn at the moment, yet understanding is not needed.

I am well aware of what is happening, I can feel it all through my body.

You look from a distance…shaking your head mildly at me.

Cursing me with your eyes.

Yet wondering with amazement.

Did you think that I was finished?

Defeated by my own ignorance, my pride, or maybe my self-doubt?

Have I said too much?
Provided so much “negativity” to a world that has already been corrupted with so much unjust till what I have said makes little to no impact in one way or another?

Although you and I are not the same, like you…I walk in the world of sin…

My footsteps do not leave blessings in its wake.

My weight is only but one single speck in a huge masterpiece.

My skin is littered with sins upon sins that even I have yet to commit.

However my mind holds meaning to things that I have yet to fully understand.

And yet still despite your wrong…and your sins…I still will not judge you.

Like a blind man I am just following the sounds that surrounds me.

Therefore how can I judge someone that I cannot see?

So the question remains…

If you did not understand me would you even make an attempt to?

Would you sit and converse with me, and share truth and understanding?

Enlighten me as I sit quietly…respecting your teachings as I try to encode the true meaning to your understanding.

Would you do the same in return?

Blindness, ignorance, and uncertainty are my friends.

I am the only one who is able to keep them from arguing with one another.

The lies that they tell have grown far stronger then what they could have ever imagined.

But still they are apart of me, and so therefore I try my best to respect them.

Respect, truth and understanding

Without either one of the three…

How could you honestly say that you will not… judge me?


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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Brillance!!! Thanks for sharing....ONE

DallasCowgirl says:

Thank you for sharing your pieces. There's healing in 'em

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