2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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A Look Into Eyes


just different

Views: 538

To  all  my  brothers’  brother mans’
For  all  my  sister’s  sisterhoods
What  is  that  you  see?
How  deep  are  the  feelings?
Deep  and  expansive  as  horizons
Travelling  inward  seeking  redemption
Meanings  of  fear,  love,  sadness  and  glee
All  of   this  could  be  found  in  me…and you
As  I  see  from  you  looking  in  from   eyes
That  meet  mines….but  delve  beyond  surfaces
Revealing  the  promise  of  disappointment,  or
Elation  from  achievements  in  aspirations
Or  the  answers  to  universal  questions…..
Looking  away,  not  wanting  to  really  know  so  much!
Staring  into  infinity,  its  easy  to  be  frozen  at  once
Seeing  time  frozen  in  hues  representing  views  and
Positions  and  conditions  past  and  yet  to  pass  through
As  eyes  signal  the   all   in   the  one……..prize…..reality!
Oftentimes  for  instance,  a  child’s  eyes  reveal  promise
Although  surrounded  by  negative  energy…..eyes  are  soft,
And  revealing   the  unmistakeable  forgiving  qualities…..
As  the  hardness  in  weary  eyes  of   cynicism  is  engrained 
Caused  by  the  hurt  from  a  constant  disappointment’s  reign
As  shades  prevent  the  hues  of  prevailing  winds  from  changing
Yet  and  still,  salvation  comes  from  an  iris  harbinger
Bringing  forth  insight,  and  guaranteeing  a  change  in  seasons  
For  reasons  that  rain  and  tears  cleanses  and  washes  away  drear
Sometimes  quicken  to  fruition  from  just  one  looking  in  or
Away  into  the  distant  vanishing  points  in   reflection, 
Detecting  change  from  a  softening   or  hardening  revelation
From  just  a  momentary  look  into  eyes,  where  our  souls  reside…..
Fortune’s  can  change  and  existential  commonality  is  exchanged
Looking  into  windows  for  answers  to  questions  of  lifetimes
Performed  randomly  but  always  divinely  when  eyes  meet!


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Contest Winner  

KingQadarDwon' says:

Amazing write... This was some serious bleeding.. Close the wound.. Thanks for sharing

BoRhyme says:

Yes, totally agree with King!!! Total Excellence here!!!

LP45 says:

It's been said that the eyes are the windows to the soul. A lot is seen and felt. This is an amazing write 2B. Thank you for sharing. Reflecting.
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Thanks KingQadarDwon'.....ONE
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Thanks BoRhyme....appreciate Brah!

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Whatup Ladypoet45....thanks kindly....ONE

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ChinaDoll01 says:

Man your talented, I really enjoyed reading this.

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40 Gifted_and_Classy says:

You can see a lot by looking into one's eyes! If people paid more attention to potential rather than convention, life would be different and a much better place! This is a moving piece!

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