Mr_Lmn | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 3700
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To end a thing, is to begin something new.

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  brigadier general
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Sorry Kate, I'm running late.



Views: 345
I'm looking around the house for my keys. I've gotten dressed and I'm ready to leave. I've checked the couch and I've checked the chair. Where could they be? Could be anywhere. I've searched the cupboards and searched the drawers. I can't take this problem anymore! I've looked in the hamper and behind the lamp. Only to find dust and a postal stamp. Where could they be? Somebody help me, please! I'm not the kind of person who loses their keys. I'm almost late. I've gotta work at 8. I always have to Ms. 'Loud Mouth' Kate. Now I'm standing in the doorway thinking "He's going to be jobless". Then I noticed my keys in my work shirt pocket.

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Coloured_Asian says:

Ha very entertaining pen I loved the humour thumbs up

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twistedbeauty says:

i like this poem i can relate as well!

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love_supreme says:

:-), I like this flow. Excellent write.

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Mr_Lmn says:

Thanks for the love you all. Sorry for grammar. LoL

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