TwistedBeauty | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
i havent posted in a while but im still around

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i thought... (part 2)



Views: 363

i thought that this time we would finally get things right 

putting aside the bs and make our family work 

despite the many times we attempted 

bullsh!++!ng and half assing our way through 

allowing the only thing to change was the date on the calendar 

dragging one another for the ride 

tossing sh!+ at each other expecting us to be pleased 

breaking things off for a while just to do it all over again after a short time 

as if nothing happened 

i thought we had put the past in the past and finally moved forward this time 

but we hadn't 

it was just the alcohol talking 

when you sobered up you realized what you had done and had to break it off at any cost

ignoring the consequences 

we only thought of one 

the one looking at back at us in the mirror 

to a certain extent we decieve ourselves 

because we know what we want 

our pride disregards us every time 

wanting to be the macho man with no feelings 

letting the other one have the choice to walk away and we can't accept that harsh reality 

i thought us over many times i can't even begin to keep count 

i guess i'll hold onto to the thoughts of us 

because we never worked out like how 

i thought...

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love_supreme says:

This is very powerful. Excellent write.

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amin901 says:

good poem

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