ksoleil85 | Poetry Vibe
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Writers block and insomnia bad bad combo

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conversational erotica


just different

Views: 294

I hum as you penetrate the warm wet crevices of my mind you flip me over into new perseptions and you slowly stroke my inner thoughts time passes and grows more challenging but i continue to hop atop of your conversational stimulation patiently waitng to ride each word rigorously until i climax and in turn begin to scream the mosst profound facts 

As we come down wiping away tears fighting off fears as we passionatly fight off ignorance now i mst admit that this conversational stimulation keeps me wanting fiending begging for more your words are my pimp and my mind is your whore conversationally insatiable when you conversationally make love to me mounting my mind steadying yourself and then digging deep as i purr to you speak more to me i guess at times i get filled with when you convesationally make love to me.

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