![]() Tali
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mrmelody7 says: Very elegant Mz Tali going through the same thing with the mom mind not completely bad but you know what its like |
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2b2b2 says: Beautiful Capture....prayers of comfort for you and your momz always....you do honor her....RESPECT....ONE |
Tali says: Thank you so much, I wrote this for one of my best friends. |
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amin901 says: Nice work sweetheart and you are a very lovely lady...My eyes will be on your work...Keep inspiring |
Tali says: Thanks a lot I enjoy you're work as well , I appreciate the feedback. |
Moonlight (White/ Gray)I'll look at the moon |
Cycles and circles (Pink)We ride life together |
When I am lost the sound is unfamiliar It echoes from the depths of the soul Into the pits of your stomach Up the shaft of your throat and booms from the mouth I tilt my head backward Like thunder it roars out of me It feels so good Genuine No fake lols or lmaos With no smile No depth But real Authentic Laughter |
Composition of the bonnetDid you know My hair has the strength of 10 men? It can bend, straighten and revert back at the drop of water? In the winter months Moisture deserts my hair like leaves fall from trees? |
Who are we?Yesterday two white men wearing MAGA hats stepped into a gas station in the center of the hood
This particular gas station is known for its gun play
Where people who look like me will shoot at me
And people who look like me have been murdered for nothing
Or less than.......
The hands who’ve slayed them have been brown
We’ll shoot and kill each other like it’s the wild Wild West
The only place that I feel safe is amongst my people
But I am also in imminent danger amongst them as well?
And no, I’m not saying kill the MAGA hat wearing fools who decided to purposely waltz into a store where they know that we’ll be
I’m saying that ... |
I stand,
Desolate, shrouded in anger, guilt and despair,
Is it too much to know your worth?
To know that you were meant for more than just pain.
I was meant for love
A love that is my own
A love that I deserve
One that will follow me until the end of time
Tap into my soul
I beg you daily, and you miss the chance to know me
To see the parts of me that aren't so beautiful
To see my tears,
Maybe wipe them sometimes
Hug me until they dry
Make me feel like everything will be ok for once
And that you'll be here
When there... |
Lips don't lie? part 2I poured myself a drink last night. I never like to drink alone. Rum for my broken soul I hate text messages They are convenient but still....... I have been waiting to see your face for 8 hours I pushed myself to come home To emptiness Because you are still not here You have decided that you will be working late again The hunt for an excusable alibi is like a game to you Maybe you'll be going to the gym afterwards too? Anything to keep you away Everyday you become more of a mystery I saw her name in your phone The letters slid across the screen as if it were in slow motion They taunted me Enchanted me Asked me to call you for myself And confirm what he will eventually deny But how could he?&n... |
Lips don't lie?
I read your mind the other day Didn't know if you had noticed I think that the thoughts of her clouding your mind were so deep that you didn't even see that I had quietly professor X'ed your a*s What's she like Does she look like me? Do we wear the same scent ? I ask you what you're thinking And your tone says of "her" But your mouth says to me Nothing... I tasted your lips They felt like home But they are liars Because they no longer speak my name Kiss my body Or even say hello without the stain of her lips splattered all over them They belong to her now I watched you mouth the words... I love you It was empty And void of any essence of the love that once beamed from you Are you too nice to break my heart? What about my bones? Am I too nice? I've noticed the moment that your eyes changed Who do you... |
Poetry Vibe
Free to be an angel of words Raining down wisdom or sorrows, or joy, or happiness or pain Either way journeying through someone's mind Through their thoughts Their words Their deepest emotions Here, I am able to be myself No fears No concerns of who may or may not read Just grateful for the outlet And so humbled by so many kind souls Who look at me and see poet When I just see me I have never considered myself a poet Or a writer I had no idea how confident that I'd become in a gift that has been bonded to my soul I only know that here, I am able to share with you all peices of myself Exploration into my mind In a land that feels like home Thank you for creating this platform And allowing poets to roam so freely. |
Heal the DiasporaNwaanyi, Owesifazane, Obinrin Woman Pure passion Woman, portal creator Commands them She is, |