2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Close to the Sun (Son)



Views: 587

Imagine  life  close  to  the  sun…..

Blinded  by  the  light….can’t  be  undone

For  fun,  sparking  torches,  letting   off  some….


No  retreats  or  misdeeds  in  shadows

Fully  exposed  to  truth  brought  out  by  De-Light

No  night  times,  burning  bright  infinite  lifetimes


No  hints  to  uncover,  no  mysteries  to  discover

Attracting  light  speeding  in  from  all  directions

Even  fractions  of  a reflection  is  enough  upon  inspection


Heating  up  worlds  thoroughly  consuming  impartially

Reminding  old  souls  to  new  fools  where  to  return  to

Warming  hearts  to  seek  out  their   own   truth  alongside  


Ultra-magnetic ,  holding  planet  sized  problems  at  bay

Playing  universal  music  that  calms  and  soothes  all  matters

Existing  as  a  beacon,  for  many  a  universal  existential  seasons


2b  burned  by  such  a  hue,  is  such  a  timely & divine  blessing

No  more  stressing  or  beseeching,  staying  close  for  personal  teaching

This  light  burns  eternal  and  affords  me  knowledge  in  proximity

Blessed  is  thus  the  Light  that  shines  strongly  on  me  and  thru  us  All.


Thank You  Sun (Son) 

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Tali says:

Beautiful, I can get lost in the beautiful wording of this poem

mrmelody7 says:

As always number one commentator your light shines through in your reflective words
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Aww shucks, thanks kindly tali_sosweet....ONE
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Thanks mrmelody7....much appreciation!!

modi says:

Nice piece.

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KingQadarDwon' says:

Awesome write brother...
Contest Winner  

amin901 says:

very nice..keep inspiring

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Fascinating camp. Keep inspiring light as a beacon towards giving partition a scope
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Thanks ALL....ONE

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tonnnney4@gmail.com says:

love this! DEEP

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LP45 says:

Superbly written 2B, Such beautiful imagery. Thank you for sharing this my friend. Peace.

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