Modi | Poetry Vibe
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Dream Deferred



Views: 343

They say speech is free but them words ain't cheap
Wiki is cool but don't let em leak
Don't be fooled but don't say a peep
You better get schooled I have much to teach
A breach of trust is what they reap
They preach of love then yell impeach

But it's not because the POTUS is us
The lies they spew reap disgust
From their point of view everything is just
Not justice but legal so must we discuss
These folks is evil enough is enough

They kill in uniform they kill in sheets
They spin in media and troll in tweets
They're never convicted and get off Scott free
Yet we're the bad guys and we should leave
From a land that was filled with teepees
Not their country tis of thee

And they do now as they have done then
Murder in churches and continue to sin
Murder in streets and continue to win
When will it stop this madness must end

But if I write about it some how I'm wrong
If I post about it my time is done
If I vent about it then it's called hate
If I inform about it then leave the states
Yet the cases I read make me irate
I rate a 10 on the scale frustrate
And after some time it will dissipate
May they reach their destination at Hell's gate

Do I seem mad to you
Don't misconstrue
I'm in pain not insane
To sit and stew

The ism is a deadly brew that must be freed
What this century needs is a Marshal Bass Reeves
To handle the villains who take lives like thieves
And destroy these ism seeds that sprout like trees
That are used to lynch my people's dreams

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

OUTSTANDING WORK....thats whats up....very well played...thanks for sharing!!

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Elvan says:

A welcomed decree of what the life of the poor and struggling are dealing with daily. We all arrived on these shores for the same thing, a little opportunity to acquire the so-called American dream, fleeting as it may be. Well said exceptional flow. Peace

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