SupHomeboi | Poetry Vibe
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It's been a while since I've been on here and spoke my mind, heart and soul. Feels good as always.

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just different

Views: 313

Every time I get close to someone

I get a sudden flashback

When I was rubbed the wrong way

Touched the wrong way

A cold firm grip embracing my neck

Restricting my airflow

Was it forbidden for me to live?

Forbidden for me to be handled with care?

I'm extremely fragile

Recurring breakdowns

Ghosts of my past haunting me

Hurting me

Preventing me to ever love again

Is it forbidden for me to love?

Forbidden for me to ever discover true happiness

Consumed with visions

Of closed fists and closed eyes

Blood sweat and tears

Screaming please

Please stop hitting me

Hurting me

Abusing me

Destroying my spirit as a human being

Am I forbidden to feel secure?

Forbidden to find refuge in someone's arms

Remembering the arms that swung on me

The same arms used to shove me

The same arms used to confine me in a headlock

Reaching out to harm me instead of hugging me

Broken promises to never do it again

I cringe and squirm when someone says I love you

Those words lack meaning now

Until someone changes my mind

Knowing deep in my heart that someone is me

It is not forbidden

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