Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 34100
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Views: 349

My most recent conviction
Is the fear of eviction
Evicted from the book of life
Due to my man made created strife
Making pain my wife
Walking in my wayward path of life

Crooked path I look back and now laugh
I must hold onto the serpent pointed staff
The messiah is helping me move higher
Filling me with faith that fuels me
He compels me to no longer sing or ring the enigmatic bell
Talking of hell
Stuck in a cell
I am asking for water from the living well

Go and tell it
On each and every mountain
For I have now drank of the very blessed fountain
Rivers if life granted and given
I asked for forgiveness and was instantly forgiven
Now this is the new life I’m living
No longer choosing the idiocy of sinning
Getting the devil angry no longer is he grinning!

Jesus is my daily inspiration
And through deep meditative prayer I have one on one communication
He has raised me back to life through method of spiritual resuscitation
There is no longer deliberation of His legislation
I ask to be of His fold
And he grants me anonymous power to no longer have deviation

No longer shall I stray as long as I pray
For to communicate with Jesus
He gives us power to steer us and cheer us
Bringing out of me my maximum ability
All the while giving me peaceful tranquility
In the sea of hostility
No longer a man of versatile instability
Because I am now a saint by name and given power
To live up to my highest calling, ability and capability

I am here to share good news
Through digital worlds and church pews
The truth will tear you up from your very fibers & sinews
And detect any weakness and will make you chose to either win or to lose
And when you do so you will then defuse or confuse
But there is no way to refuse
Because either you will humble yourself or God will quickly and very swiftly humble
All the while Satan will work hard to make you stray, crumble then fumble
So I beg you to listen to the soft voice of Gods love in your heart
Even if you think it is just a mumble!


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