ElroyKen | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark

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Force Of Nature


Views: 355

A Universe 14 billion years old, cold, but astonishingly complex, fearsome even full of awe, we are but sparks in the vastness of all, energetic, bright but transient, no I am not prophetic, my soul just ancient and transit, I chance sh*t, breif, we are humbled before it's grandeur and beauty, not getting the big picture,  what's life about truly, but against all the odds we are alive duly, and in this life we are greater than even the most powerful star, not even grasping the full concept of what we are, part of this Universe that has become conscious, we all want love groomed in nonsense, check out the pedigree my dawn aint dawned since, part of this Universe that can open it's eyes and gaze upon itself in wonder, my view is more majestic, I am honored, clandestined I ponder, with more breath, and depth, than a dogma, that the Universe is younger than the original stories that describe  it's creation by a bronze age diety, and its clear to see,  we are not the playthings of a petulant  man made god and god who shrinks as we grow, let  go  of your superstitions, not all of it was written, shake off the shacles that keep your spirit in bondage, and be free in your homage to life, let life live, and live life to do good because it's right, not just a slight, because you fear eternal punishment, you have one life an astonishment,  it's yours take responsibility for it, do not fear death, remember you came out of darkness with that first breath, the matter we are made of ,has been on a journey of itself , who it is afraid of,  for billions of years, it has been forged in stars, blown on stellar winds, from the time it all began,  flown with the slaves and swarm the oceans and will continue after you have gone unique in the cosmos, but brief and transient a spark in the void precious more than you can possibly imagine,

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Contest Winner  

kingqadardwon' says:

Thought provoking

ElroyKen says:

Thanks. Your input is very welcomed.

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