ChinaDoll01 | Poetry Vibe
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What Your Eyes Say



Views: 257

As I stare into your eyes I see the hurt of not having your father around the hurt of him not being there like you always wanted him to be, the hurt of you wanting his love. 

As I stare into your eyes I see the anger from the people in your life treating you wrong the anger from the people mistreating you. 

As I stare into your eyes I want to change your world and give you something to look forward too.
I want to hold you and tell you everything's going to be OK.

As I stare into your eyes I feel sorry for you, another angry black man that feels like the world has failed him and the people he loved has betrayed him.

As I stare into your eyes I know that with a strong women on your side things will get better cause i want let you down or fail you.


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