scash102 | Poetry Vibe
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What kinda father are you?



Views: 485
What kind of father are u? Half time, half ass? Where were u when she was sick and had to miss school or when she crying and confused and blaming herself cus she has a daddy like you? Thinking it was all her fault at only 2? How can you call yourself a father when you stood her up twice.. do u know long I had to wipe tears out her eyes? What kind of father let his parents tell him what to do? And clearly they failed in raising you. What kind of father lets his son disrespect the mother of his child, she's not like these other hoes hoping and running wild, she's never been abused, misused or neglected or abandoned or given to child protection. How dare you come and go as you please when all I do is try to work out things for Your daughters needs. You don't spend all week running her back and fourth to work and school.. and even weekends when you're exhausted cause your parents baby you. You're a damn fool , dumb a$$ simple minded a$$hole. Father's don't need to be reminded by a judge of what parenting is and how stupid you look crying n throwing tantrums cus you cant have your way. You don't do to be honored as a parent, you're an embarrassment to all fathers in establishment. You sit here and talk .. no I don't give a *** but rest assured in the end you keep ***ing up and ***ing up its gon *** u up. I bet you think you won and think its all in your hands.. you're a child not a grownman.. shouldn't have to ask you to come get your child repeatedly but its father's day now you think you're the greatest daddy. What kind of father is ok not seeing his child over his pride even though.. I've repeatedly tried and tried. You try to embarrass me, disrespect me and think you look tough what kind of role model is that for a little girl? What kind of father makes excuses about why he cant see his child and all the while you got plenty of opportunities? You're a coward, you're a bastard and I could care less what You think. This day is for fathers not dumb asses who think the world revolves around them and what they think. I may loose some respect for my out cry but I could careless til people see this from eyes.

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hymnagen says:

This is a real talk vent! thanks for the share scash102

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scash102 says:

Thank you For reading, Hymnagen!

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DallasCowgirl says:

Felt the realness in every line. Mission accomplished. Thanks for sharing.


love_supreme says:

Very nice!

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