Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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a fool's moon, arising


just different

Views: 308

It's just... a blues song my heart sings
every time when sadness reigns
and things, i can't explain...
do summersaults within my brain
it's just my heart searching for Heaven
remembering the light of love 
reflecting back to me...from her eyes
thinking of what love means
to be shared with a soul mate
until this moment of eternity fades

into the ocean of time, 

lost ...drifting on into the great beyond
back into creation

leaving me just tending my sheep
with my emotions still, wide open...

accepting the reality with humility

although, still...

my heart will never forget 

feeling the hurt inside
absorbing the truth of it 

whatever it takes 

until it naturally subsides
till then, 

i will just pretend

to be happy on the outside

while in the depths within

i will be just playing with my
with all that remains of the gifts of love

...what i still retain in memory

of what it is to be free 

to be in love...taking it easy 


...the blues


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