Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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loves silent fury



Views: 310

Love's Silent Fury

...In tides of love
A rising Sense of joy is felt,
Ascending Into Ecstasy
we merge, feeling
A kind of offset rhythm
As We glide,
through the waters
of our souls,
love energies coalescing
into essential mists
our molecules emulate rain particles
in a migration through our minds
takes us places, to follow
teardrop melodies
Entranced, Our hearts Surge 
Filled with mystery and passion

Our souls bond, as our emotions
Together flow,
Shall we agree to meet in forever,
Where beyond the grasp
of the passage of time cast adrift
into a universe within
While falling endlessly
through space into eternity
Where our souls meet
Hover as we follow our hearts,
Feeling change coming 
Intent upon Returning,
The gift of life,
 As we gaze
Intently Into each
 Others eyes, feel a tidal wave
with warmth and compassion
To Pirouette and bow, as we now
Prepare to Embark upon life's journey
into the realm Of two hearts
Found Willfully bound together,

Taken To a place beyond even
our wildest fantasies

As we dance ever closer,
Further implanting
 ourselves into

other's Life

We Are Singing

A blues song,
so sad

In soulful...

a searching
into your heart
...and mind 
going to a place
never to return
again, lost to

in Passing

Into another space time


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