You should be here
Laying beside me
Listening to my heart beat
Matching my breaths
Dreaming of what’s to come
Goals and aspirations, all of the things people dream of
Everything everyone prays for
But you are not here
Your spot has been filled
Your voice no longer echoes inside of my ears
Even your touch seems foreign to my bare skin
We walked hand and hand towards unknown places
Casted down enemies, wanna be’s, perpetrators
Anyone who wanted to see us fail
Laid wasted at our feet
Kissing the ground that we walked
Where ever you go I shall surely follow
Those were the words that you said to me
That was your promise
Your truth to me
I believed you
I bathed in your words, and your beliefs
Turned away from false pretense just so I could make sure that I did not miss your teachings
Your presence, that touch, that burned my soul
That sent cold sickening chills down my aching spine
Freezing me to my core, while numbing my flesh
My tears froze mid cheek, I could pull them off of my face
And hand them to you, and watch them melt from the warmth of your hands
There was a time when all I could see was you
My first love, my only love
The keeper of my heart
The who possessed my soul
I was tamed by your charm
Hypnotized by your words
I can still hear you say my name
Please remind me why our love was so deep
Remind me why your restraints had me bound and grounded
It took me many years to realize that your love was not forever
It became a bad taste in my mouth
A withdrawal that I welcomed
Not even medicine could take away this feeling
There isn’t even a single word that can describe our love
Yet still
You should be here
In the darkness
Laying right beside me
Dreaming with me
Repairing what has been damaged
Or rather misplaced
Yet you are not
Someone else is