Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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ripples a pool



Views: 332


…you heard...

My heartbeat from afar

A pulse heard across the universe

My whisperings, beyond possibilities

Answering a prayer sent through the stars
when i dropped the first pebbles in the wall
i was building around and about myself
to insulate my insecure, unsteady self
against the tides that came too fast
i'd realized the time had come
albeit, too late for me
to avoid, my fate
as my world


Crashing down, around me

…you were there, to share your heart

What you had, most, not to give

I sensed a caring soul, in you
in you, a familiar pattern gave rise
and i a practicing word dancer...
listened to your heart
as i surmised a kindred spirit
lived within a tower
menacing and tall
so, despite my troubled mind,
i climbed to get a better look
inside your mind

when love calls...
you are the answer

when i heard

the words in my spirit mind
…pushed away all things defined
i ventured where i ought not to go
by inner voices ...and let you know
with no uncertainty i was
in what was inside
i didn't know what you believe...
but, when i saw within you ...a need
a companion spirit to walk beside
on the journey back to life
a place to plant the seed
of understanding

Where now

Is the way for us

As certain am i

Of what things unseen

I carry as my compass…

Exploring where I cannot be lost

Bearing the cost, rather than the cross

…is no solution to this quandary

In the cauldron of this momentary madness

As choices made with passion fade

And seasoned reason

Demands that

Motions made

Reflect upon a solution

Built of timely contributions

To get us quickly out of this maze

Before the magic




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