i am a warrior free+wind born,
a sojourner of air earth sea,
a revolutionary space-time soldier
cast into wars of worlds beyond belief
my meditative concentrations
ruling in contemplation of life,
thus enfolding galaxies
of my sense of being
selectively adaptable
as i would desire to believe,
internal balance seeking
…ever to be thus achieved…
as the winds do fall i sail
to chart by log my destiny
i scan the horizon for a sign
listening all intent to the winds,
of voices calmly whispering
…the secrets of the earth+air+sea…
should the rocky reefs of chance
allow my ship a sojourn
for provisionment,
rest of easy peace
as i stand here at the helm,
star+pilot seeking solace descending
…to the depths of restless seas…
perhaps envisioned circumstance
as others or i might dare dream
would seek to tap potential forms
of energies of such source and being
…for greater ends and succeed…