Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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  double ruby
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blue chips



Views: 303

20 february 2007

if i told you that it was

all right by me, that you could have your cake and eat it too, with no strings attached would you take the charge cards and run with it till the cows came home, in gucci bags and pierre cardin, charge it to the max and drop me off, in anger when the irs said

you had to pay the tax?

and if it was that my meaning was misunderstood by you, that i actually had given you a task to fulfill, expecting, instead that you were to be the head of one brach of c2 corp, expecting you to get a return

on my investment. your salary would consist of what profits you could achieve by elevation of the branch’s assets, over speculation for each quarter, would you even ask forgiveness or thank me for having taken the chance on you for you and i both to make a fortune there may be more to life than just getting rich,

can you handle the blue chips


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