thatygpoetickidd | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
wonder if i should free write

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the wow


just different

Views: 211
Be quit just shut the hell up! go away I don't want to speak to you I don't even want to look at you for the love of god just go away! How dare snatch my heart out like you're scorpion off of mortal combat how dare you let your mother and father accuse me of doing something I had absolutely nothing to do with I'm not letting you explain nothing I've never felt so weak and off guard in front of a person like that before in my life the pain that you have delt to me is going to come back ten fold I almost cried the way your mom looked at me and spoke to me was if she was speaking to me out of anger and disappointment I want the two of you too look at me dead in my eyes these tears didn't appear out of thin air the two of you caused this I'm not like your father I'm not like your husband someone needs to call queen Latifah because imma set it off two go away! I'm still searching for ways to swallow the nails and swords that YOUR mom shoved down my throat my heart was racing my body was shaking this was not fear this was pear unadulterated anger that conversation took place around eight hours ago and I feel like It just happened I LEFT MY DAUGHTER BECAUSE I WAS ANGRY I WAS SAD I WAS HURT I WAS DISAPPOINTED I let all the bs get to me I looked my daughter in her eyes before I left and literally all most dropped tears on her face and kissed her forehead to say that I will see her later we been together for almost three years and your father still doesn't like me so what who cares I don't. I'm not there to impress him I'm not there to make him happy I don't want his blessings and I don't need it how dare you go run back and tell them the stuff that we go through as if the two of us can't work it out like adults then your mom had the audacity and the nerve to say if I don't want to be apart of my daughter life that the three of you would be perfectly okay with changing her name and that i wouldn't have to worry about ever seeing her again mann *takes deep breath* I was called childish immature and basically a lazy slacker who doesn't deserve to be in my child's life and I could easily be replace faster than a blink of an eye I felt sick to my stomach it sounds stupid but I was basically hyperventilating in short I was basically told that I wasn't good enough to be they daughter bf/fiance I'm not good enough to be that child's father and that I'll never be able to please them let that sit in....

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DallasCowgirl says:

Dang. I hope this message reaches its intended recipient.... Thanks for pouring out your heart....

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