thatygpoetickidd | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 17000
contest winner
lightness in the dark
wonder if i should free write

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  4 star general
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the ride



Views: 198
I'm going to say this respectfully and sincerely as possible look I apologize for all the times the I've hurt you I did some pretty stupid and selfish things that I knew where wrong I can't express how sorry I am as of right now I don't have a job I've had 5 interviews this month alone my untie is the only one at the house who has a car and she works from seven in the morning til six at night I don't expect you and you're family to picc me up every time I want to go see my daughter I just want you too be in my shoes for a second and go through the kind of hell I've been dealing with this past three days tashari I love you and our precious child the only thing I'm saying is you and your family get to have her around yall 24/8 while I'm far away in another city don't you think it's a little unfair that she hasn't even met her dad yet?? I've tried and I've ask mutiple people to take me there but they either at work or they don't have gas money you say you want us to be a family and she needs both of us right well how can she when you and your family are the only ones enjoying her in other news I'm glad she's home now safe sound but all I have to look forward to are picture's were both adults now so there is need for subs or anything like that I'm just telling you how I feel I love you h.m.u. when you get this

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DallasCowgirl says:

Hope it gets better, bro.

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