thatygpoetickidd | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 17500
contest winner
lightness in the dark
wonder if i should free write

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  4 star general
Total poems   224
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Total poems - 365 days   22
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poisoned sugar cookies



Views: 173
Can you relate to a man who has absolutely nothing to his existence Can you relate to how he must feel to have a daughter and feel like hes not apart of her life can you relate to a man who constantly tells himself that he is going to succeed in life but hasn't had a job in almost over a year Can you relate to a man who shows way to many emotions to be called a man in the first place Can you relate to a man who's pain seems to have no end or understanding as to why he's even going throught what he does Can you relate to a man who wears a fake face every time he gets around some people he has to impress against his own will. can you relate to a man who understands he's not a man but rather a kid who decided to make another kid In a world where racism depression fear and lust lurk around almost every coner Can you relate to a man who seems to think that no one else matters when it comes down to it because the world taught him that's it's okay to hate it's okay to judge it's okay to lie cheat and steal to get what you want in this world I guess I'm asking you if you can relate to me.....

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DallasCowgirl says:

Dang. I can. I can relate. Many particles of you remind me of my brother. Be strong.

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