thatygpoetickidd | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
wonder if i should free write

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rejection part1



Views: 206
so there is this guy named the 9th dimension and he is scared of rejection every midnight he gets a short glass and puts four ice cubes in it and pours e&j in it and he always has two blunts rolled up believe it or not it helps him concentrate so he go's to his black desk and turns on the limp and continues to work on a project he calls *day dream* you see there is this one woman his heart desires to be with so bad so every night he writes about her or to her but never gives her anything he's ever written about her he practically sees her on a daily basis because they work together but he never approaches her just the thought of being rejected by someone as beautiful as her would crush his heart or so he thinks but anyways he picks up his pencils and begins to write he looks up to his left side to see the three books he had already written about her beauty it's not like he didn't have any more words left say but he just begins to think now as he is doing that he takes a sip of the e&j and the his body is less tense and more relaxed with a smile on his face as ideas puch lines and metaphors starts coming to him be begins to write so fast with excitement that led off his pencil brakes it gets quite then all of a sudden he gets up and slams the dresser on the ground he starts throwing anything he can get in his hands now listen 9th dimension wasn't drunk on intoxicated he only took a sip of the liquor and hadn't even smoke he has a very bad case of OCD so simple things such as writing a simply letter and it slightly crosses the line makes him panic so he manges to pull himself together and put everything that wasn't broke back to its original place he then begins to sit back down and takes another sip to see if he can gain back the concentration he had lost during his little rampage he gets back into his zone and is able to finish what he started and ultimately falling asleep he is practically a genius when it comes to writing but what he doesn't know is its that liquor that causes him to fear rejection without knowing it the liquor enhances his fear of rejection from this and the blunts don't make it better because it's not fear alone that's stopping him but also his lazyness that helps prevent him from taking the initiative to get over his fear and just telling her how she feels

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