thatygpoetickidd | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
wonder if i should free write

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Views: 186
The obvious choice would be to pick her right? I mean she is the mother of my child after all. when I first found out I was very excited it had been something that we've both wanted for a while nothing or no one else really mattered been then "t.c." came in my life and for the first time in a long time.... I was genuinely happy as a matter of fact everything that I lost with the mother of my child I found in "t.c." we had a beautiful conversations greater laughs and just basically heart felt moments but what really drew me to "t.c." is the fact she made time for me and the crazy thing is she invited me to do things such as go to the park go see movie or even as simple as hanging out on her front porch. I believe that's what I fell in love with now the mother of my child on the other hand is always "running arenas" or "handling business" not to mention we fight and argue all most all the time truth be told I wanted to give up on her a long time ago but I thought I was overreacting I thought that maybe I was just being needy but all I wanted was her time and attention we'd go months without seeing each other we but talk or text everyday I'm not trying to make her look bad or trying talk down about her she's done a lot for me and yet it just sounds like I'm not appreciative for all the things her and her family done for me I'm just not in love with her anymore at the same time I want my daughter to have both her parents in her life even if I have to force myself to be with her I know that if I was to leave her she'd just be with someone else and I wouldn't want that someone else around my daughter period. I'm such a hypocrite and I have a greed and lying problem I say this because it's true if I was to see her with somebody else I'd just go back to missing her and I'd get mad because I'd hate to see her with somebody else now "t.c." on the other hand I wouldn't mind loosing but I'd feel extremely bad because the love she had giving me has been genuine to the she's never betrayed me or even lied to me came at me wrong not one time when it comes down to it I'm in love with her and I think...I want to marry her

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DallasCowgirl says:

Oh wow. Patience and time. Time and Patience. Have some patience and give it some time. No need to rush the process of loving someone. Love takes time. And it only shows itself in those moments when all "hell" breaks loose. Congrats on your daughter bro! Make sure she has her father in her life to keep her away from those snakes.

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