thatygpoetickidd | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
wonder if i should free write

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pain is the color blue



Views: 223
I guess I am childish I get so upset and angry because noting has been going my way I'll admit I have such a weak mindset and a week heart it should be impossible for me to have kid(s) I can't even be strong for myself how the hell am I going to be strong for them I have depression issues i get discouraged and disappointed very easily I'm just tired of it really I'm exhausted I don't like not working I don't like not providing I don't like having ideas and not being able to put the money or my determination up to make them come true the messed up thing is I get in this depression state at least twice a month and to be honest part of me is screaming the words shut up stop being so Damm sad you're acting really pathetic stop looking for excuses this not no damn pitty party for crying out loud you're having a daughter on the way and you choose now of all times to have a mental brake down you're so weak and the other part of me is whispering just give up this kind of pain is not worth living for like fucc everybody why can't I just die already I swear loving Is such a curl faith

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DallasCowgirl says:

Thanks for sharing your writings. Don't stop....

Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

life is a tough act. the greater the pain, the greater the sensitivity. when all the confusion gets put in their proper boxes the drama train will reach the station and everything will turn around and make sense. stop beating yourself up and trying to take it"like a man". get in touch with your feelings, write them out. your perspective will change once you see the bigger picture. life is not ever going to be perfect, but your response will become more so. many of the other souls have walked this path. many more will do so. understand what is happening and take the path of understanding you choose to overcome it. write on, brother

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