when things, which we call timing …happen… it reveals to us
…reality has many faces…
different outlooks, unusual perspectives
…patterns in life of simple facts…
…we cannot easily deny…
what happens within our lives
can bring new challenges
and at times hard decisions
as we learn to express ourselves
thru what we may share between+us
efforts to simplify how we feel
what we will and will not try
…how we will live our lives…
we have walked these pathways
…together for a while…
freely choosing as we improvise
strategies based solely upon our …principles and pleasures…
thru the power of our choices
…in our struggle to survive…
if you need me, i am here for you
…to help to see you thru…
climbing thru the clouds to meet you
i cannot see you now
…where are you…?
…can you hear me calling you…?