A call to arms
A prayer sent in abstinence.
A collection of pebbles
taken for a ride
Strewn by waves
rolling back and forth
Against the tide
As the moon bops
Singing to the stars
while, mountains sleep
And oceans deep
are fed ever so gently
By raindrops
and some, times like this
By teardrops falling gently
from my eyes
Upon particles of sand
on the beach
Times, it seems i just can’t let it be
It’s nothing, cried
the wind to the sea
Watch me send a mighty wave
watch them fall
Helplessly scattered.
... |
Midnight Highway
is practiced…
No assurances accepted.
No crooked deal discounts allowed.
Payback comes
swift and strong
All sales are...
Remember back
You had perfected
the practice of Shakedown
Booked no less than first class
Applied tricknology and backdoor justice
in a parallel reality world
you'd created for yourself...
drank only top-shelf
Ever prese... |
In Stardust
Were that we, were not cast adrift.
Our mortal souls
spinning wildly out of control
With the faintest hope
carried only
by the faithful
Given, a gift
to the undeserving,
whose sacrifice
To save the unworthy,
will allow us.
Those willing,
to find our way back
Within ourselves.
Tracing back person by person
Backtrack to Creation.
From the love.
One love
No survivors
The night wolf calls its mournful tune.
Across now silent barren killing fields,
To a lonesome bloodshot moon
A cold wind, roars past...
Blows away the last car
in my train of thought
Over desolate battlefields
where only yesterday hails of bullets, flew
So many tore thru flesh and bone
Found their mark
stripped defiant souls
Of those brave hearted G.I. Joes
Wanting to be genuine heroes
Now that medal... |
Divine wind
Touch, inspire …coax, bend, powerfully blast
Chains of events/making its presence known
Through future-present-past.
Providing impetus
to the event-horizons of every known and unknown.
Dimensions unlimited
without order or pretense
Of principles beyond our grasp/even
the Ability to comprehend what happens
Even while looking through fossilized remains
of beings seen/unseen
and might have been.
Crossing space and time
we may infer…
We first started gathering mushrooms,
leaves, nuts, roots, seeds, fruits,
turning fields of grain into footprints
to be used in our favor ... |
I / 0
The most important thing
to come to be
isn't you ...isn't me
it's the spark
from the hearts of those of us
who serve to release the blessing
only accessable
As if, a soul’s seed expression
earth, sun, water…
Awakens to its natural role…
Its germination progressing exponentially
in slow-motion,
explodes creatively
As the first leaf unfolds.
Trusting to the sun
To come back, as it does each morning
Even thou... |
In the temporal rift
Falling through time/space
Having prepared for half an eternity
Endowed with a gift of a discerning
Of telepathic historical Astro graphics
Not merely satisfied to be cast adrift
In the gist of it, having an unparalleled grasp
for the task. Finding solutions for orbital calculus
while performing multidimensional analysis
Spontaneously grasping advanced concepts
suitable for identifying factors of the universal equation by differential analysis. Playing with discrete variables turns me on. Makes me practically ecstatic. Being a borderline fanatic
Loving to go deep into mathematic
... |
A gift of/to the universe
From you to me/from me to you
To this space and time i see everything
i’d ever wanted and it's no surprise
We found each other
An uncertain truth to be revealed
...a kiss
The beginning of every sunrise
A prayer to survive each day's test
A time for us to realign
our peace in mind
To rest our souls/catch our breath...
A further quest to recognize
Make sense of what patterns play
In the shadows of this momentary
Interphase/this positive pulse

Heaven .
Dimensions beyond …your wildest dreams
Teeming with life… creativity, bursting at its seams
A lone trumpeter makes his instrument’s cries wail,
With soul stirring notes alternately blasting thru space, then… waft gently with the evening breeze
Easily teasing a mellow mood of happy thoughts
filling starlight evenings with reasons
Not to be, so… uptight…
Painting chromatic hues… which climb higher than
you’ve even tried… more …than not,
taking us places
we’d never ventured before/ever dared to explore…
... |
Soaring ...almost effortlessly... on oceans of air
...currents vast and deep
uttering cries,
which signal your intentions
...to the wary,
not to harry those whose tireless efforts to address
...ever present dangers, never sleeps...
in the chain of lifetimes
of all God's creatures...
it's... just business...
you will find each of us...
has a place in nature, as in life
got to eat, feed the babies
carry forth the name of what we are...
by visions of a higher power
than i/you/we... might ever be...
even, if our natural spirit,
sends its prayers
to the eternal author
...of creati... |