Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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midnight +fire


just different

Views: 339

As i lay my head on my pillow each night

i can feel the first flush of my yearning for you


Rushing back like waves on the beach

As they rush back on themselves


Is it that i am purely driven with desire?

Or that my desire rules me


i am driven with a desire which is of you

For it is you that i feel within me


You rule me in a way that you do not know

It is my heart which you have captured


Strange though, it is that you have a power

i have never before encountered


What has never before happened to me

Is to be captured before the first kiss


It is alien to me and I do not understand

How, why… what in the ---- happened within me???


It invaded my senses in a storm

And instantaneously enveloped me


Swiftly sweeping all resistance from its path

Like a current of pure energy


Relentlessly to pour into a whirlpool

Transforming just as swiftly into a soft kiss


i felt as you press your face upon my face

Your lips into my lips and draw my life energy to you


As it returns momentarily intensified, reborn

It is changed back into its essential elements


It explodes within itself softly burning

With its energies sharply focused and defined


As they are reintegrated into my being

As an intense emotion, sense of new life,


A wave breaking gently upon my consciousness

Which floods my sense of awareness


As a rain of compassionate warmth suddenly felt

As an uplifting sense of awareness which intervenes


With a subtle flow swiftly to caress and kiss

My wishes with your essence of being


Which I have come to love and yearn about you

Becoming a river of heartfelt desire


And knowledge that simply put says

   …i love you…


That which continues to build within my heart

Burning with desire…with it’s …midnight fire…


   i adore you and i wish

Not to be disturbed with absurdities


   i have a love for you which surpasses at times the needs which I have for myself


  …please forgive me if i forget myself sometimes

     And i wish out loud that you feel as I do


i am helplessly lost in my desires

                       as I sleep within


Burning softly as we bathe together  

                      in our baby clothes                                                         


Every night as i sleep


    i lay down,

         …in the same place…

                   within my dreams,


 we gently nuzzle touching noses together like   

         unicorns doing a love dance



   locking horns and prancing around playfully

       …in a slow motion ballet,


        while gazing intently

                       into each others eyes


…in the midnight fire,


        Hopes, dreams, wishes                            

               and prayers answered,


    As we wait together bathing in the echoes

         of the forest mists


…as i close my eyes and submerge

                    into the warm waters


i caress you with my most heartfelt,

         compassionate embrace             


As i await your presence, each and every night

               Come; join me…now, again


Come lay beside me, warm yourself…

       I await you with

             An open heart

By the midnight fire…


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