Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


This poet practices good karma and posts comments 182400
contest winner 4
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  double ruby
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Views: 367

We wound each other

as we maneuver to avoid

just punishments for our actions

as we …manipulate others

to achieve our goals…

 â€¦losing sight, at times, of others…

whom are here with us

also to aid and to protect the truly just

who reside with us as we travel this …universal stream…

We align our beliefs…

induced by mistaken loyalties

…coerced by familiar forms and patterns…

based upon false hopes of security

…we feel that we need…

we feel that we need


we need another purpose/cause

to be genuine in our trust as

…in each other…


We conceal

behind the mask

our lies


…why are we

lying to ourselves…


lies to cover


misplaced conceptions,



in our beliefs and disbeliefs…





We need

each other

…We need

to use each other…

For purposes

other than

our need to abuse

…some purposes

we need each other…

…we use each other…

…to establish our reputations…

…And protect our beliefs…







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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Yes, my Brother. The "Black Skins---White Masks---are still with us! There is still so much work to be done in terms of changing their brainwashed perspective. Peace, Love and Unity
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

thank you, mlowe5. thoughtful progressions are necessary to overcome the evil among us

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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Franz Fannon?

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Yes! As relevant today as back in the 60's. Only the worker dies, the work goes on! Peace, Love and Justice.

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