beafaithful | Poetry Vibe
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I celebrate you my fellow poets, keep rocking on the Vibe!!

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Truth or Dare



Views: 428


Some preach in the church with dark secrets on their mind, seeking and devouring, while claiming to honor God. What about the most holy Christians that must have the front seats, they are there every Sunday, and their mission to defeat. Holding numerous titles that doesn’t mean a thing, like eating different types of cereal, they have different names but basically does the same thing. Some like to cover-up hiding under the cross, and if you look closely they are stumbling from the last bottle of alcohol, or drugs that they have bought.

Others stay in the “Word” quoting scriptures day to day, then lay their bible aside, for their regular fantasy bedroom play. Many play the role of having the perfect family life, but if you could listen behind the closed doors, they are probably shouting “so get a divorce its o.k.”. All of these are scenarios of carnal Christians on acting on an invisible stage, just like reality stars, they just don’t get paid.

Looking at these situations, shows us some of the devil’s tricks, that Christians can get caught up in, and then wonder why their lives don’t make sense. God sees all, and there is no hiding place. He will strip us down to naked reality, and ask for repentance to take place. So if you are caught up into one of these undesirable Christian games, It’s truth or dare, no time to spare. It’s time to turn around. Turn the dare into the truth, for he is patiently waiting for “Real” Christians.

I Dare you to stop the pretense!!!


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DallasCowgirl says:

...........Speechless! *amazed*

Contest Winner  

beafaithful says:

Thank-you sister, truth speaks! God Bless

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