Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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pearls an oyster shell


just different

Views: 383

Strings of human pearls

like particles of sand, captured between

worlds of life  …in the oyster’s shell...



If its our imperfections which connect us in the now

to the rest of the souls in humanity

and it takes forgiveness to make us whole

if it is life’s purpose in revealing our limitations,

that get us started on the road of self control

as we tell our life stories ...and let our position among the stars

guide our inspirations from one point to the next

with a gift which we call insight become written into the script

and if we earnestly try to do our best

each step on our journey as we share in these moments our efforts to protect the innocent soul beings,

assigned here with us we find ourselves

returning from the lost, by some miracle called hope

as we walk along this pathway together

adrift upon the river of light between the stars

reaching from the beginning of time

to the end of who it is we are to become

to witness life’s secret fluidic energies in motion

in each moment of our present life design

realigned to the possibilities we seek to find

which bring us to this focal point of time and light

…with which we live our now…


With love and tenderness

we came into this  world twice blessed...

first; the possibility exists for us somehow

despite the odds to make this world a better place to live

and if we learn our lessons we'll pass our final test

perhaps there will come to be

a story about one of our attributes

worthy of mention in the best interest of humanity

...despite the steady rain of suffering, pain and death

to give another soul a hope to hold on to

with a chance at happiness


...our battle scars are war  wounds

in the battle across eternity  …against the soul thief

while we have each other  …in reflection

and if you listen carefully

you can hear the subtle whispers of the qualities

which make each one of us special and unique

and if by chance you and i are counted among the ones ,

still hoping to make a mark worthy of mention

before our last breath is released

to benefit the next wave of brave spirits

who'll cross the river of souls take our place

Those who choose to live


With the pearl essence 

of spiritual relief

A world of perfect, 


Outside the belly

…of the beast



our life essence

distilled to pure love

dances with the sunlight

condenses into the spring

of nourishing energies

of which we may all 

freely take our fill...

and together

find our 




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