Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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  double ruby
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just different

Views: 326

Bending time and space,

To a place here inside our souls

Where all our hopes and fears reside.

Our thoughts range, uncontrolled and free

A slow parade of all good people known and loved

 Forms a caravan from the very beginning to eternity

 Engaging our senses as it entertains and unwinds

 Our lifetime portrait with joys and tears combined

 Into unknown realms of life's mysteries...we climb

 Suspended within the passions of our minds,

 Unafraid to confront the mistakes made

 Even the ones we might tip-toe past

 For all futures, by our will to be,

 What has yet to be written

 Praying it's not too late

 To get a lease on life

 Calling forth bold visions,

 There is hope for our redemption

 Before we all run out of turning time

 To summon with all our resources and energies

 What memory reclaims, our brains have yet retained

 With all incongruence's erased, if we are so inclined

 Why is it when we are the most stressed?

 Our creative juices seem naturally to be

 Flowing to their greatest potential,

 As if striving to reach for ever

 Greater heights, being

 Together, than we

 Could ever reach


While we are







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