The torch is lit,
Our eyes aglow,
Sparks fly from our fingertips...
As we dance within,
Swiftly falling into
Each others embrace …touching hands,
As our bodies begin to swirl
To merge and blend,
And with each coming moment
Our heartbeats race faster, still
As we take each step closer
To ever more deeply
Synchronize and intertwine
Delivered as if in a sweet bouquet of loving kisses
Each one reaching progressively deeper
Transferring warmth, somewhere in our souls remembrance,
Where we find love within, speaking softly
In tides of inner peace... riding waves of a vision,
Based upon self respect, hearing ripples of another caring heart...
As mirrored, here... somewhere, lost in time,
A silent pact which inspires us simultaneously,
As if a sign language ballet
In fluidic gestures of two mimes,
Playing in slow motion
Between our minds,
A sigh of relief,
As we celebrate quietly,
To make a toast
To better understanding
Love and life...