Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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  double ruby
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just different

Views: 342

those who share belief in commitments

…show their devotion and realize…

when you take away the innocence

and become a cheat

they live

inside a lie

you make holes

in your heart, which grow

and continue to grow, further

until the love pains, turn to ulcers

and the heart will suffer more

and if you don’t stop

…and let it heal…

cause it to sicken, and …to+die…

hurt will become anguish, then anger

will tear apart love at the seams

mend your ways, or number the days you will be allowed to hold on

…to the dreams…

and if you don’t believe in forgiveness

you are begging the extreme

…if you do not believe…

why even try?

+and watch in sorrow

when love,


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