Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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Views: 357


pass overhead

piling up so broad and deep

the skies turn from sunkissed blue

to sullen grey

our troubled minds

at times, coincide, conspire

against even the noblest heart

to wound us so we find solace

only in our pain

it is said, of troubles 

when it rains pours...

a sorrow, alone

we cannot for long endure 

against the tide

of sorrows circumstance 

All products of our toils

vanish, leaving us lost from the memories 

where once we found ourselves

crossing the bridge to heaven 

now by foul winds tossed

we find ourselves falling

disillusioned...deep in a trance... 

wondering  where is the love

of life which we shared

with a rarer soul than ours

by chance got washed away

as our fortunes smile

turn inside out and upside down

spoiled our visage, once joyous

lost, our crown, victorious

our visions wane, the hour grows late

as the shadows we cast grow deeper still 

as we weep so often alone and unconsoled

once distant plains grow nearer

while we await our fate, in fear

as the death blow of the scythe

seems poised to end to our lives

as if... to turn our souls back

into the Earth once more

with no possibility of a hope restored

tilling the soils, again,

whereby the essence is returnedto source

to rebirth another life

some moments lost, as others are gained

as Heaven knows, in this life's daisy chain

while touching spirits dance into forever

just as they have before the beginning dawn of time

though we tend to lean upon other souls

embroiled forever in such precarious state

what common feelings we share

of this life suspended in emotions

time and space... 

spirits make sparks, glisten with emotion

with certainly as the tensions building

must eventually release the pain

our hearts break openly at last

our tears fall ...and it rains


perhaps, by chance


to quench the hurt

ones loss

to birth in another

a gain




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