we find ourselves so out of sorts
we all might need jump starts
for our hearts
with friends and family
to give support
we have a chance once more
to beat the odds of survival,
find a solution
give offerings in substitution...
say a prayer for absolution
for what little we could have done alone
by others contributions
we are made whole
to live another day
while yearning, learning,
earning our way
to ever greater parts to play
...and let the wild horses of our spirits
gradually give way to quiet inner calm
traits more conducive to life on a farm
paces more entuned
for the steady path
our course
no longer subject to freely roam
nor wholly subject to natures wrath
our tasks become more routine
we've thrice the chance
to follow our dreams
where simpler emotions
hold greater meaning
a life we've choosen,
part of a team
we're more
inclined to follow
or is chosen for us
by circumstance
...not just to live
to sing and dance