Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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Views: 383



we find ourselves so out of sorts 


we all might need jump starts

 for our hearts


with friends and family

to give support 


we have a chance once more

to beat the odds of survival,


find a solution

give offerings in substitution... 


say a prayer for absolution

for what little we could have done alone


by others contributions

we are made whole

to live another day 


while yearning, learning,

earning our way

to ever greater parts to play


...and let the wild horses of our spirits

gradually give way to quiet inner calm


traits more conducive to life on a farm

paces more entuned

for the steady path


our course

no longer subject to freely roam

nor wholly subject to natures wrath


our tasks become more routine

we've thrice the chance

to follow our dreams

where simpler emotions

hold greater meaning

a life we've choosen,

part of a team

we're more

inclined to follow


or is chosen for us

by circumstance


...not just to live


to sing and dance



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scash102 says:

coming together is greatest, best and strongest thing we can do, is to gather in numbers but we have to continue to try and awaken our people from the sleep state they're in. I enjoyed this piece.

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Charles2 says:

The awakening will come in due time. The watchers will have done their do, sounded the alarm while watchful parents will take the cue. Those assembled near will spread the news. Thus energized, those who care will do their thing. and we shall rise together once again to face the universe.

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